Saturday, January 31, 2009

Loading IOS image via TFTP in ROMMON

Always a pain in the backside, isn’t it, when you’re stuck with a router that has no image on it. Even if you up the baud rate to 115,200 it still takes an age to download an image over the serial port to the thing.

More recent routers seem to have a TFTP client built-into the ROMMON software though. Not entirely sure how recent a router has to be in order to have this facility, but it’s very handy and saves a lot of time.

You basically set a few environment variables so that the router knows what its IP address is, where the server is and what the file it should download is. After that, just issue the “tftpdnld” command and off it goes. Here’s what you do:

rommon 11 > IP_ADDRESS=
rommon 12 > IP_SUBNET_MASK=
rommon 13 > DEFAULT_GATEWAY=
rommon 14 > TFTP_SERVER=
rommon 15 > TFTP_FILE=c1841-advipservicesk9-mz.124-13a.bin
rommon 16 > tftpdnld
TFTP_FILE: c1841-advipservicesk9-mz.124-13a.bin
TFTP_MACADDR: 00:13:80:7b:20:1e
FE_SPEED_MODE: Auto Detect
Invoke this command for disaster recovery only.
WARNING: all existing data in all partitions on flash will be lost!
Do you wish to continue? y/n: [n]: y

Receiving c1841-advipservicesk9-mz.124-13a.bin from !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
File reception completed.
Validating checksum.
Copying file c1841-advipservicesk9-mz.124-13a.bin to flash.
program load complete, entry point: 0×8000f000, size: 0xc100
Initializing ATA monitor library…….
Format: Drive communication & 1st Sector Write OK…
Writing Monlib sectors.
Monlib write complete
Format: All system sectors written. OK…
Format: Operation completed successfully.
Format of flash: complete
program load complete, entry point: 0×8000f000, size: 0xc100
Initializing ATA monitor library…….
rommon 17 >

Once that’s done, just issue a reset command and it should boot into IOS.

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© yankandpaste®

Saturday, January 24, 2009


While it seems like there are only minor differences, the truth is an E-REV is substantially different than a hybrid. Essentially, a hybrid is a vehicle that is designed to use gasoline as its primary fuel and electricity as a supplement. At lower speeds and light engine loads, some hybrids use only electricity. At higher speeds or rates of acceleration, they operate in a “blended” mode, with both the larger gas engine and smaller electric motor running. Even the most efficient hybrids on the road only get a battery-powered boost at low speeds, while most of the time still burning gas. So while a hybrid is more efficient than a conventional internal combustion engine, under normal driving conditions it will use more gas than an E-REV operating in all-electric mode.

Volt would be the first car to flip that equation. In fact, Volt's unique advanced design has helped establish a new category — Extended-Range Electric Vehicles or E-REVs. Basically, an electric motor would drive the vehicle at all times. So you'll be accelerating, driving on the highway, going uphill — all the normal driving requirements — propelled by electric power. A small gasoline engine and a generator would kick in when the battery power is depleted after driving up to 40 miles. The gas engine and generator then produce all the electricity needed to keep driving for hundreds of miles. It's this range-extending technology that makes EREV so unique. Think of EREV as an electric car that can generate its own electricity, allowing you to continue efficiently without any worry of running out of power.

Volt would be the first car to flip that equation. In fact, Volt's unique advanced design has helped establish a new category — Extended-Range Electric Vehicles or E-REVs. Basically, an electric motor would drive the vehicle at all times. So you'll be accelerating, driving on the highway, going uphill — all the normal driving requirements — propelled by electric power. A small gasoline engine and a generator would kick in when the battery power is depleted after driving up to 40 miles. The gas engine and generator then produce all the electricity needed to keep driving for hundreds of miles. It's this “range-extending” technology that makes Volt so unique. Think of Volt as an electric car that can generate its own electricity, allowing you to continue efficiently without any worry of running out of power.

Because the engine drives a generator that will run at a constant speed, the power band can be optimized for maximum fuel efficiency and lower emissions. The engine will not fully charge the battery (this would be an inefficient use of gasoline). Rather, it will provide enough juice to keep the car going until it can be fully charged in a household outlet. This kind of advanced propulsion system means there are fewer demands on the engine, which can be sized, engineered and controlled to operate in a narrow range of rpm and at peak efficiency.

Because the engine drives a generator that will run at a constant speed, the power band can be optimized for maximum fuel efficiency and lower emissions. The engine will not fully charge the battery (this would be an inefficient use of gasoline). Rather, it will provide enough juice to keep the car going until it can be fully charged in a household outlet. This kind of advanced propulsion system means there are fewer demands on the engine, which can be sized, engineered and controlled to operate in a narrow range of rpm and at peak efficiency.

Extraordinary technological breakthroughs have helped Volt capture the public's imagination. But the real story of the Volt is how all that fuel-saving, emissions-reducing technology will help fundamentally change the way we drive, without affecting the driving patterns and habits that we're used to.

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© yankandpaste®

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Fantastic Cheese…

Bob claims he has invented a cheese that is so unique and wonderful (the “Fantastic Cheese”) that his Fantastic Cheese will make all other traditional cheese options commercially obsolete.
Bob’s reputation is one of being a smart technical innovator. Bob previously worked as an engineer at a large company doing work that is related to how Fantastic Cheese will be manufactured.

Bob has received some financial backing from a respected venture capital firm called New Ideas Capital. New Ideas Capital states in their Investing Policy Statement that they are focusing on investing in cheese related companies because New Ideas Capital believes that cheese is a future growth sector however New Ideas Capital will not discuss their investment in Bob’s Fantastic Cheese.

A large respected military food packaging and catering company called War Food’s, Inc. has provided some funding to Bob to help Bob further develop Fantastic Cheese. Bob has agreed provide War Food’s Inc an exclusive for Fantastic Cheese for certain military food products.
Nobody has seen or tasted Bob’s Fantastic Cheese although Bob has started to build his Fantastic Cheese factory.

An independent company has certified that Bob’s factory is capable of propagating Bob’s proprietary baseline cheese starter bacterial culture. Bob claims his cheese starter bacterial culture contains a unique balance of enzymes that interact in the curdling process in such a way that the cheese becomes Fantastic Cheese.

An independent company has certified that Bob’s factory contains cooking vats capable of maintaining a constant temperature within one quarter of one degree centigrade. Bob claims it is critical to be able to maintain an exact temperature during the cooking process to manufacture Fantastic Cheese.

A very large portion of the cheese produced worldwide is used for pizza toppings. Therefore the potential worldwide market for Fantastic Cheese as a pizza topping is fantastic if Fantastic Cheese is as fantastic as Bob claims. Every pizza maker will want Fantastic Cheese because Fantastic Cheese will render all other cheeses obsolete.

Given all the above facts, why would Bob license his Fantastic Cheese to a small pizza operator under terms that allows the small pizza operator to be the only pizza operator to use Fantastic Cheese?

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